A Contest will be Held., On Tales of Bboy
Join An Entry and Post it here on the forum,".,.,.
Rules and Categories :
1. At least 5-10 players
2. Make a Video with your Group about This server.,
3. Include the NPC's., Rates., Max player lv and fairy lv and the Monsters Around.,
4. Make a Story, love story, horror, comedy, or even a Dance no. for an entry.,"
5. No Bad words or doing Bad things.,
6. Upload your Entry on youtube
The Judges are:
1. Admin - Jong
2. Daoihe and
3. Freza
The winning Group will Have :
1. Super rings !! (each member)
2 And 1 billion gold
So., what are you waiting for??? make a group and creat a Video!!!!!!!!
Bonus points:
1. The music for the video must have a Bboy music (search on you tube to find some Bboy music's)