----------On the 1st month of this server.
----------we will give special RINGs!!
----------this are very powerful rings.,.
----------we hope that you are the lucky one who will get some!! This is now Change to:
===>This is a Great Server!!! Join Now!!
===>All items are here!! from unseal65-85!!! and easy to get!!!!!
===>you can ask the Real GM For a Money or plv.,"
===>This is a GM Server!!
max player lv: 200
max fairy lv: 5000
Solo exp. x200
Part Exp. x300
Fairy Growth x99999
Drop Rate x300
.,.,,Sandbags are Around argent!! so you can plv easy."
On Abandonmine: Lots and lots of BD!!! where you can get Bd gems like eye of BD., heart of BD., soul of BD etc....
Aba 9-18 is on.,
On the isles.," you can find the Bosses!!! (Glacier,outlaw,etc.)
Keep your mind open for new ideas.,"